When I started this blog over a year ago, I had intended to keep it up to date with all of the adventures of... writing. But you'll notice the thing has been pretty much inactive since then.
Not that I haven't been writing. I figure I wrote about 500,000 words last year - enough to fill 10 "novels" by NaNoWriMo standards - and I'm probably going to be at a similar level this year. A ton of that was for work and non-creative outlets, but it's still an impressive number!
But my family has experienced a lot of changes this past year, from reinvigorating my insurance brokerage, to teaming up with (shameless self-promotion) a Las Vegas personal injury attorney to create a marketing company for lawyers, which uses my background in computers, marketing, and writing. It's been a lot of fun to build businesses, and I've still found time to write creatively a little - finishing up 4 short stories.
The problem is that I don't know what to do with them. Sure, I'd like to find an interested publisher, but I personally don't think it's ever going to happen. (These stories aren't exactly "edgy" or anything.) When I started writing them I had the intent to self-publish and see if I could make a few bucks. But I don't really have the time to promote them.
So, unless I think of any great ideas or a reason not to do it, I'm thinking about just putting the work of last year out as a free e-book and calling it good. I might not make any money, but the process will feel finished. What do you think? Put it out there and be done with it, or hang on to it and hope for the time to promote it?
New Release Spotlight: Jamie Ogle
1 week ago